
The first Edition “Proud Protector of our Pollinators’ Yard Signs are available for a $5 donation by texting name, address and email to 570-881-9813 and clicking on the PayPal button below. The wire stand does not come with it.

Every year dandelions become a valuable resource for our pollinators – bees and butterflies. These dandelions on our lawns and yards are the first food for bees coming out of hibernation, so don’t pull, destroy, poison or cut them, but rather help protect and balance our natural ecosystem in our own environment.

Be proud that you are an active environmentally conscious homeowner instead of being embarrassed that you have ‘weeds’ in your yard.

You should also wait a bit before you cut your lawn for the first time in the spring, especially if you have dandelions. Your neighbors will understand, especially if you proudly display your yard sign!

The days of perfectly manicured lawns are over, as those lawns are a sign of the presence of toxic chemicals, which are not only bad for ‘weeds’, but also for pets, small children, wild life and your own health, as well as destroying ground water, rivers and streams for all of us.


This message and action brought to you by Green Garden Initiative  –  A socially and environmentally conscious collective – initiating lasting positive changes, one neighbor at a time – making our world happier & healthier for children, pets and our precious pollinators

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